High quality to achieve the highest results
We are convinced and believe in that it is not possible to achieve the highest result with medium quality work by using cheap materials and with weak knowledge in industry, that is why we highly appreciate good quality in everything that we do.
We believe, it is not a great merit to achieve good result once or sometimes. It is much harder and more important to maintain high qualiy of products and service each day.
Long-term collaboration
We carefullt choose our partners. Long-term collaboration helps to plan and understand each other better, makes it possibile to offer better service and accordingly achieve the higher results.
Wishes of the costumer in the first place
Cooperation with client is our business. We do everyting that is possible to make the client believe, that we work in his best interest. Each of our projects, products or service that we provide is oriented to achieve the goal set by client.
Knowledge, skills and wisdom
One can achieve the top of the mountain by working smartly and skillfully. One is not born being smart and sometimes, with todays knowledge it might be not enough tomorrow. That is why it is necessary to learn something new, as well as repeat and develop what has already been learned.
Striving for excellence
Similarly as our clients we as well continuously develop, learn and improve ourselves, are sharing the knowledge and also experiment a little bit.
“Edelveiss EG”, SIA Reģ., nr. 40002073009 Institūta iela 1, Ulbroka, Stopiņu novads, LV -2130
LV 40002073009
Institūta iela 1, Ulbroka, Stopiņu novads, LV – 2130